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Well the dreaded call came – they want to start chemotherapy on Bailey right away.  The cancer is aggressive, although not found anywhere in his body other than in the amputated leg.  They tell me if it is there it is somewhere….From the research I have done dogs handle chemo fairly well, although, as with any chemo it can harm his organs and he can have side effects.  We may have a few extra months with him if the chemo goes well.

There have been so many times over the last 18 years I wished I could talk with Bailey, but boy is this week one of those weeks.    I know he has so much wisdom in there that I want to hear from him on what his thoughts are about all this and explain to him what is happening.

After much soul searching we are going to try it – Monday is his first day.  I have already discussed with my vet if he doesn’t handle it well, i.e., gets too sick, my intentions are to terminate the chemo.  Quality over quantity is the goal.  Fortunately my vet is allowing my other dog, Prancer, who is 14 years old and has been with us for 13 years, to go with Bailey for his chemo so he will have company to make him feel a little better.  Hopefully,  I will be able to pick them up within a few hours.  I think they will feel better being together.  I wish I could be there with him, however I recognize with Bailey when I am around he worries more about me than himself.

Despite the day Bailey had a good day.  I took him to the tennis courts and another dog there came near us and Bailey actually growled at the dog twice his size.  He walked all around the tennis area enjoying the breeze and all the new smells.  Our only issue today is the car ride.  He insists on standing the whole time and tends to lose his balance – I will never understand why he just does not sit down in the car.




  1.    kathryn at April 13th, 2012 6:26 AM:

    Pieter, our Bernese, is an “are we there yet” car traveller! even on his three legs it takes a while for him to settle, and then the minute i brake, slow down or change gear, he is up and waiting! He wobbles around but hasn’t so far fallen over, i am very carefull pulling away or going around corners!


  2.    etgayle at April 13th, 2012 9:45 AM:

    hope the chemo goes well, often there are minimal side effects. paws crossed for extra time from the treatments, and it sounds like you are making the most of every moment!!

    charon & spirit gayle


  3.    Trifod2004 at April 13th, 2012 9:54 AM:

    That’s awesome they let the other dog come in. I think that is good how you are thinking, that the quality is over quantity. Dogs may suffer some minor effects like nausea but for the most part they do good since the dosages are only therapeutic. I know what you mean about the not sitting down in the car. Cadence does great but her little brother always has to be looking around and sitting up. I told him if he would lay down he would quit getting car sick and puking there. LOL

    Cadence’s Mom


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Bailey – 17 year old amputee, now 19 – A Best Friend's Tale is brought to you by Tripawds.