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Day Before Chemotherapy4

Tomorrow is Bailey’s first day of chemo.  We are hoping for the best but anticipating the worst so we are prepared.  Fortunately, as I have posted earlier my vet is letting my other dog of 14 years go with Bailey to keep him company when he gets chemo.

Not knowing what to expect after after tomorrow we have had a fun filled day already.  We started out at church and my daughter asked for special prayers for Bailey today.  After church Bailey and Prancer came with us to my father-in-laws for breakfast and had some left over eggs and bacon and ran round in the yard.   Then we attended  our church picnic outside held at a local garden/park – hamburgers were on the menu there ( quite a treat as we don’t eat meat – the bacon mentioned above wasn’t real bacon).

Bailey was treated like a rock star.  I don’t think there was a kid or parent there that didn’t pet him or ask about him.  Prancer got special hugs from us as she is usually the center of attention as she is quite a beautiful looking dog, but today it was all about Bailey.  I will post pictures as soon as I figure out how.

On another note he is stressing me out a little as he is making attempts to jump off the bed and out of the car when we get home.  I’d like to know what he is thinking, but I think to some extent all is back to normal for him; he knows he can’t jump up but not quite there on the jumping down.

I will keep you all posted on chemo.



  1.    AngelAbbysMom at April 15th, 2012 11:21 PM:

    Glad to hear Bailey got rock star status! That’s as it should be with a Tripawd.

    Hope all goes well with the chemo tomorrow. That is sweet that Prancer gets to come in too. Bailey will probably have little appetite after. With Abby, the onc told us to offer her very plain things – like rice or pasta. Yes, I know – carbs are no good for cancer, but I think for one meal or two it’s ok. And pasta was the only thing she’d eat right after, but her appetite was always fine by the next day. Hopefully he’ll be similar – just a brief bit of touchy tummy!

    Jackie, Angel Abby’s mom


  2.    Sparky at April 15th, 2012 11:24 PM:

    I don’t eat meat either, so our neighbors put aside steak bones for Sparky when they have barbecues. He loves them.

    Wishing you and Bailey the best as you take your chemo journey together. Good luck!

    Becky and Sparky


  3.    bartsmom at April 16th, 2012 7:45 AM:

    We sure hope Bailey is going to do well on chemo. Bart had some ups & downs but we were able to get through it with some different sort of aids from him oncologist as well as his holistic vet. Keep us posted as to how Bailey does…

    Darcy & Bart


  4.    jerry at April 16th, 2012 12:17 PM:

    Bailey, you are so fortunate to be surrounded by such love. I know that it will carry you through this chemo and you’ll be back to your old self in no time!

    Hope today went well, let us know OK?


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Bailey – 17 year old amputee, now 19 – A Best Friend's Tale is brought to you by Tripawds.