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Eating again5

Bailey has been eating fairly well since Sunday – hamburger meat did the trick (major treat in the vegetarian home).  He does seem to be sleeping an awful lot though.  I actually had to wake him up this morning.  He also seems to still have problems balancing – sometimes he sways; his back leg also seems tired at times too.  I assume all this is normal, it is just sad to see.  The odd part is when he is interested in something or running (he does a fast trot now) to see what is going on outside his posture is great.  It seems as if sometimes he forgets he is missing something in the back.

With all that said, my dog is happy.  I think his lethargy and swaying may have more to do with his age than his situation, after all he will be 18 soon.  His tail still wags when I come home or walk into the room he is in.  He gets excited to eat and receive treats.  He loves going outside and taking in the sun, wind or rain (he does not and never has discriminated against any kinds of weather).  He gives kisses freely and has made a lot of new friends and has tons of supporters.  Everyone seems to remember to ask “How is Bailey doing?”.

Thank you all again for your constant advice.  I am the only one I know with a tripod and has a dog in chemo. All your advice and personal experiences help so much.




  1.    etgayle at April 24th, 2012 1:43 PM:

    happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have. glad bailey is enjoying life (and hamburger…)

    charon & spirit gayle


  2.    angel at April 24th, 2012 2:10 PM:

    That is so great that Bailey is eating again! Thank Goodness!! I am sure that they forget that they are missing a leg . Especially when they are excited about something. Glad he is happy and doing ok. That’s amazing that he is almost 18! Wow! He is older than my 16 year old daughter!


  3.    zeuspod at April 24th, 2012 6:05 PM:

    Glad to hear his appetite is back! It seems as if the chemo is a bit harder on the older dogs. We have not had eating issues (we switched him to home cooked right after diagnosis and he LIVES for mealtime). We did, however, fight with decreased energy and low WBCs after chemo. His 2nd and 3rd Carbo were postponed by a week due to the low WBCs. For the 4th treatment, Dr. R reduced the Carbo dosage on the 4th and 5th rounds to try and get us back on a three week schedule. We noticed a HUGE difference in his energy level and overall well-being (although the WBCs were still pretty low and we still had to postpone the next treatments by a week each). Dr. R said he only reduced the dosage a tiny bit but I am telling you, we cannot believe the difference. May be worth discussing with your vet?


    •    baprance at April 27th, 2012 6:52 PM:

      Thank younformthe info. I will definetly discuss with the vet. He is now finally his old self; he actually seems hungrier than ever. We reduced his food a little considering the amputation. The doc said to decrease his food due to his lower weight and because you do not want to a tripod overweight.


  4.    princess at April 25th, 2012 7:32 PM:

    Being happy and still loving life no matter what it has thrown at him says as much about Bailey as it does about his family. Good on Bailey. He is amazing, truely inspiring.



  1. Amputee dog | Jilleppe

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Bailey – 17 year old amputee, now 19 – A Best Friend's Tale is brought to you by Tripawds.