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It has been a few weeks since I posted as we have been busy with every day life.  My daughter had a surprise birthday party, which she directed was to be doggie related and to include Bailey.  Normally I have the dogs go to my Aunt’s house for a party to avoid any issues, but since Bailey’s amputation he has not stayed anywhere outside my home or the vet, plus my daughter wanted him here.  Originally we were having a pool party but the tropical storm in Florida caused the party to be moved inside and a new theme was born.  We had a doggie adoption party (stuffed animals, of course).  The kids had to find dog bones, complete their adoption certificate, take their dogs to the groomer and vet, which were all tended to by older cousins and friends.  The kids then had a doggie fashion show introducing their adopted dogs to everyone.  We made my daughter a special dog to adopt…a three legged stuffed animal, aptly named Bailey by her.  Bailey, the original, was front and center at the party.  He sat right by the girls when the presents were opened, hung around any place food might drop and greeted each guest as they arrived.  It was a good decision to have Bailey at the party.

The next few days however proved not to be as easy.  Bailey started having light bouts of nausea and when we took him to the vet for blood work something happened, although we have no idea what.  When he was being brought back into the room with the vet tech holding him (she never put him down since I first handed him to her) and he started screaming (it sounded like the scream when he broke his leg) and he didn’t stop for a a good minute, although it felt like 60.  The vet (she was filling in for our regular vet) was in the room when this happened, but we still have no idea why this happened other than a possible seizure with a spasm as he recovered fairly quickly and was eating treats within minutes.  The vet pushed and prodded on him and nothing seemed overly tender.  The vet gave him a shot of Cerenia to help with the nausea and fluids sub-cutaneously as she was a little worried about dehydration as he was panting after the above incident.

My issue is Bailey didn’t want to go the vet’s and hid behind me the whole time we were there.  He just didn’t seem like he wanted to be there anymore and I promised myself that when it seemed like enough I would stop.  I am waiting to hear from the vet on Monday as to his blood work and will decide more then, but as of now I cancelled his next chemo round for Monday.  I am just worried the trips to the vet are putting more stress on him than it is worth.  Friday was just so emotional seeing him in pain again and scared and not being able to help him.  He just seems a little tired to me and then like a puppy again.  Once the blood work comes back I will make a more informed and less emotional choice (I hope).




  1.    rizzobeans at June 2nd, 2012 2:36 PM:

    Oh my, that is the worst feeling when they cry and you don’t know why and can’t help them. It is like torture….I can relate to how you feel. I am in the same situation with my Rizzo….the vet visits upset her so much that it has to be an emergency before I will take her in. Hopefully Bailey’s blood work comes back good. I’ll be sending good mojo your way!

    All my best,

    Suzie and Rizzo


  2.    etgayle at June 2nd, 2012 5:36 PM:

    oh bailey, hope you are feeling better. we understand how you feel, and agree – you will know when enough, is enough. bailey deserves a happy, joyfilled life. if the vet and meds and such are affecting the quality of his life, then you, as his advocate, will make changes. hugs to you all, hoping you can get back to enjoying each and every moment with that handsome boy!

    charon & spirit gayle


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Bailey – 17 year old amputee, now 19 – A Best Friend's Tale is brought to you by Tripawds.