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Rain or Shine2

As always we have had ups and downs at the senior household. Bailey had a rough 2 days and didn’t even move for a day … we thought we were at the end, but once we got to the Vet someone perked up.  My husband actually joked with the Vet that we should take a picture of the Vet home and show it to him when he feels bad…he always seems to do much better once we get to the office.  Winds up the Valium we gave him to help him relax when he was getting anxious the night before really knocked him out.  Vet said although he has had it in the past he is just older now and it has a greater impact on him, but she said to still use when needed.  He also lost 2 lbs, which has me a little worried, however he is still eating fairly well and loves his treats.  Vet said she has a senior dogs too and despite her dog eating well he has also lost weight.

A few hours thereafter Prancer was throwing up and drinking lots of water again.  I am afraid her kidneys are having a hard time, although last Vet visit she gained 2 lbs.  And just to boot our little red-eared slider turtle, Reese’s Pieces, went to a better Place last week.  Despite it all tags wails and kisses are given.

( I just have to add a foot note on how much I like our Vet.  He has always been the only Vet in the practice, but recently has started having another Vet come in here and there. We have avoided this Vet due to Bailey’s age and our dogs “unique” issues, but we didn’t have a choice Friday… Bailey needed to be seen.  So happy with his Vet “coverage”.  First thing she said is we are making no big decisions today until we see how he does over the weekend once she checked him neurologically and saw he was not in pain. Scary seeing any new Vets with a 19 year old, 3 legged, blind baby and a 16 year old in kidney failure.  This Vet was just as awesome in her care of Bailey as were the ER Vets our Vet recommended.  She actually already new all about Bailey as our Vet had told her about him and how well he has done since amputation.)

I titled this entry rain or shine because our weather has been up and down, just like our household, but the irony is during rain or cold Bailey is outside and Prancer is under the covers and during shine Prancer is outside lying in the sun and Bailey is inside in the AC.  I do worry about now outside in the cold with all the arthritis he loves rain and cold, as he always has.  I hope this winter doesn’t bother that arthritis too much.  I place a heating pad on his back to hopefully give him some extra comfort.  He must like it because he never moves away when I place it on.

Here are my babies together.  Normally Bailey won’t let Prancer lie on his pillow, but I think he realized she needed comfort and so did he.  Two sick pups comforting one another.  I love my babies and their wonderful hearts.image



  1.    jerry at November 18th, 2013 9:24 AM:

    Awwww. You guys have hearts as big as the universe and it sounds like your amazing vets do too. How fortunate that Bailey & Co get such great care from them. Surrounded by such love, they live wonderful, long and happy lives!

    I’m so sorry about Reese’s Pieces 🙁


  2.    baprance at November 21st, 2013 11:07 PM:

    Reeses Pieces was our rescue turtle..we found him in our pool filter. Prancer liked to sniff him and follow him and our other turtle, Fluffy, when my little one took them out for walks in the yard.


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Bailey – 17 year old amputee, now 19 – A Best Friend's Tale is brought to you by Tripawds.