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We headed to the Vet again on Tuesday with Bailey.  First we had Prancer there for her fluids, but once I got back home I just felt Bailey needed to be seen.  The night before he was breathing so heavily and panting like I have never seen him pant.  We figured the end was near.  We gave him a valium, as directed by the vet on Friday if he appeared uncomfortable or agitated.  We thought he would drift comfortably off.  He slept like a puppy that night and woke up pretty much his old self until I came back home and his panting starting again, but not as bad as the day before.

The Vet got me right back in and once he saw Bailey agreed his lungs looked distended and asked to run some x-rays and do some blood work; he asked for me to leave Bailey there for a few hours.  Got a calling about 45 minutes to come get Bailey as he completed all tests and forgot how much Bailey hated being there (that’s my mama’s boy).  The x-ray confirmed his heart was fine as were his lungs and that his trachea is collapsed (we already knew about the trachea).  He also gave him some fluids as he felt he appeared dehydrated.  

We received the blood-work results today and unfortunately it confirmed Bailey has now joined Prancer in kidney failure.  He said his is not as advanced as Prancer’s as Bailey’s phosphorous is still within normal range.  I don’t completely understand all there is to know about kidney failure, but what I do know is that Prancer eats well daily, takes her treats, runs around the yard and gives me kisses. So far so good.  I am hoping Bailey has the same success.

As I write this Bailey is cuddling up against me in bed, giving me kisses as Prancer is tucked in under the covers.  It’s a good night so far and I will take it.




  1.    maximutt at November 20th, 2013 11:06 PM:

    Well, not the greatest news I guess. But as always, Bailey is just his happy old self, hanging out and being a dog. What an amazing boy you have, and his even more amazing story. Sending positive thoughts to both Bailey and Prancer!


    •    baprance at November 21st, 2013 11:03 PM:

      Not the worse news…:) We are being positive and having lots of snuggle time.


  2.    benny55 at November 20th, 2013 11:13 PM:

    Yes indeedy take it ! Consideringmthe circumstances, everybodyis doing fairly well!
    The fact that Prancer is eatng well is reallh good and shows she’s still keeping the kidney issues “in check”. It appears Bailey is doing the same.

    My sixteen year “young” Bodie is dealing with enlarged heart and also trachea issues…constricted because of the enlarged heart, or collapsing for someother reason…still the same result.

    Bodie is taking Enapril (?) and some cough medicine with coedine I give him some fluids on ocassion at home and that always helps. Not eating much, but eating some Is Bailey n any meds?

    Your Bailey is one for the history books! Really! What an amazing “senior”! What an amazing team!

    Keep n having many, many, many more good nights snugglng on your mom’s lap Bailey! Doesn’t get much better than that!

    And keep n amazing everyone at your resilience!!

    Lotta love to all!

    Sally and Hapoy Hannah


    •    baprance at November 21st, 2013 11:02 PM:

      Good job Bodie…16 years is awesome. Bailey is on bunches of meds. He takes Soloxine for thyroid , methocarbormal, Rimadyl and Tramadol for pain and inflammation. He has a lot of arthritis in his back. He has had arthritis in the tip of his spine since he was about 10, I believe the amputation has made the arthritis worse…kinda expected.

      My vet said the trachea issues is fairly common in older dogs. Bailey does not have hardly any coughing or choking from the collapsed trachea so far.


  3.    Christine at November 22nd, 2013 4:11 PM:

    awwww Bailey boy… enjoy your day!! Enjoy your snuggles!! Enjoy the fresh air and the treats that your mama gives you and Prancer!! Live life like a dawg ol’ fella.. and you will have a good time!!
    Give that boy an extra belly rub from me… or two.. I don’t mind!!
    such a sweetie..
    Christine…. with Franklin in her heart♥


  4.    baprance at November 23rd, 2013 10:01 PM:

    He says thank you for his belly rub…just what he needed…and a few kisses.


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Bailey – 17 year old amputee, now 19 – A Best Friend's Tale is brought to you by Tripawds.