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Bailey came home today4

Prancer went in for her weekly fluids today.  It has been one week today and we picked up  Bailey’s ashes today.  Wow…I did not think that would have such a profound effect on me. I cried again as if it was a week ago.  They provided us his paw prints, gave us a little charm with a paw print, clippings of his hair with a poem about placing a piece of him (his hair)  in a locket to keep close to your heart and a wonderful box that holds 19 years of memories.  I rode home with the window open and Bailey in my lap, the way he always loved it.  It seemed the right thing to do.  I laughed a little at myself because I kept going ot close the window because it was rainy and cool out, but then remembered Bailey wouldn’t care because he loved all kinds of weather, particularly hurricanes.  In his younger years he would cry at the door during a hurricane feigning his need to relieve himself.  I would bundle up put on a harness and a leash, afraid he would be swept up in the wind, only to go outside for him to put his head up high and take in all the smells, the rain and the wind.

When I cam home my daughter told me she was sad about Bailey so I gave her the charm, which she immediately had us add to the angel wing necklace my sister bought us both. I showed her his paw print and she walked around with his paw print for a while holding it near her heart.  

My family is back together again, hopefully the healing will occur.



  1.    benny55 at March 4th, 2014 11:26 PM:

    Yes, your family is back together again. But Bailey will always be with you anyway.

    I love yor story about Bailey trickng you i to takng him out so he can enjoy all the scents on the breeze of a HURRICANE!!

    When I picked up my Bodie’s ashes, yeah the tears flowed again. I also put him on my lap for the ride home. When I was sure no one was looking, I even held his box up ot the wndow a little!!

    Your little girl has the wisdom of any old wise soul.. Bailey will always be watching over here, that’s for sure.

    Bailey was so very, very loved! He left you with such incredible memories…..please continue to share them with us, okay? Bailey’s life mattered tonus. He lived a full life of purpose and touched everyne he met! Such a good boy!!

    Give that sweet Prancer a hug for us too, okay!

    Surronding you with Bailey’s eternal grace!


  2.    benny55 at March 4th, 2014 11:27 PM:

    And lots of love to all!

    Sally and Happy Hannah


  3.    jerry at March 5th, 2014 8:33 AM:

    Ohhh it’s always such a bittersweet day to bring home our beloved angel’s ashes, but yes, healing does start once the pack is reuinted.

    Run in the wind, do spinnies on the wet grass, have a ball in the sunshine, take it all in, do all the things that Bailey loved, he was a great teacher about making the most of our time on earth.



  4.    Christine at March 5th, 2014 8:49 AM:

    When they are home.. you are complete once again. The healing will begin.. and the good thing is that you can walk by Bailey and talk to him and say hello whenever you want!!
    I too have Franklin’s paw print.. and I can’t tell you how many times I have kissed it to say hello or good night..
    Some people would say I’m weird.. yet many understand.
    Chrsitine… with Franklin in her heart♥


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Bailey – 17 year old amputee, now 19 – A Best Friend's Tale is brought to you by Tripawds.