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In Honor of Bailey and a Prancer Update3

It is hard to imagine life goes on.  My angel Bailey has been gone almost 5 weeks. My heart still hurts so much for him and it is so hard to still talk about him without tears.  He was the best part of me.  After he passed my daughter naturally wanted another dog but I told her we were not ready and we needed to focus on Prancer (if you didn’t see earlier blogs she has been in kidney failure).  I did tell her that if a tripawd or older dog needed us we would be there.  Well a friend of mine tagged me in a picture of a 14 year old Jack Russell Terrier mix, Duke, with cataracts whose owner had died.  Poor pup was in the house for 2 days before anyone found them.  His little face reminded me of Bailey so we jumped in and agreed to foster him as we were not sure how Prancer would react.  Unfortunately, the little guy was never neutered. We gave him a much needed bath and nail trim.


Ya’ think him being 14 that would not be an issue…but it was.  He would not leave Prancer alone and despite her being 17 years old she was having none of that and asserted herself loud and clear.  Problem …. he did not give up and was persistent …as was she.  Afraid Prancer might eventually take him down or hurt him we had to find another place  for him.  He is the sweetest little guy.  Not aggressive at all even when Prancer asserted herself, he just backed off and tried again.  He let my daughter pick him up with no issues.  We found another foster/permanent home for him.  His new foster mom is wonderful and although she has 3 other pups he fit right in and was so comfy there.  I could tell she was already in love with him…we were too.

There is a dog’s Last Will and Testament out there and I always think of it.

I just felt to honor Bailey we would eventually help another tripawd and/or senior dog, I didn’t expect it to happen so quickly.  We didn’t get to keep Duke for very long but we did get to make sure he found a home perfect for him.  As I told my daughter helping a dog find a home is just as important as giving him a home.  When the time is right we will find the dog that is the perfect fit for us, for now we have the perfect pup for us.

So in the midst of this venture over the last few days Prancer had her annual exam and blood work.  In my heart I thought for sure she was all better.  If you met her you would never think she was 17 years old or sick.  Well, the good news is her phosphorous levels are back in the normal range, but her other numbers are still high.  The doc said she has chronic interstitial nephritis.  New words for me.  Bottom line he doesn’t know how much longer we have with her.  Could be as short as a month or as long as a year.  Because of this new we had decided we could not upset her world and bring a new dog permanently into our home… we would foster as long as she was not troubled by such.  As you read above she was.



  1.    benny55 at April 2nd, 2014 11:03 PM:

    This melts my heart in so many ways…on so many different levels…happy, sad, touched by your compasson, inspired by your devotion to, not only Prancer and, of course sweet Bailey, but to helping Duke find a good forever home.

    As far as Prancer and her test results.she’s feeling fne and that realy, realyis what matters!! Test results haven’t changed a thing!! Bailey has already set the standard in how to defy the odds and Prancer is following in his footsteps!!

    I know your grief is still so very raw and you miss everything about Bailey every single day. You are such a compassionate soul with so mich love to give. I also love the “dog’s will” and believe it with every fiber of my being. Bailey sent you Duke because he knew you would put him n a home where he was loved. Bailey will send you another dog in need of love when the time is right.

    You are a very special soul. I look forward to more of your journey AND great pictures!

    Try not to worr about Prancer…I know, easier said than done. But she’s SHOWING you she’s feeling fine and that’s al that matters! And part of her tests did show improvement!

    that reminds me, Megan (dog Sam who crossed over several months ago), her cat has kidnesy failure…only one kidnesy barey functioning. In November vet told them it was a matter of days…maybe weeks. It’s now April and kitty is still with them!

    Thanks forposting today. We all loved Bailey too! He will NEVER be forgotten,!!

    Sending the best to you and Prancer, and your very sweet and kind daughter!

    Love and hugs!

    Sally and Happy Hannah


  2.    snoop at April 3rd, 2014 9:03 AM:

    You did a wonderful thing by taking in Duke, and you also made the right decisions you needed for Prancer, and for Duke again. Finding him the other foster home that fitted what he needed was remarkable.
    We know you miss your Baily dearly, but he is with you, he always will be…..

    Esther and her Snoop


  3.    jerry at April 3rd, 2014 11:12 AM:

    Wow, you are really pawesome for fostering that pup, it had to be hard not to want to be a foster failure. Kudos to you both for having his best interests in mind. What a lucky dawg.

    I’m sorry to hear about Prancer. But you know this better than anyone, nobody every knows how long we have on this earth, diagnosis or not. Prancer, like you, will make the most of each day without letting those lab results get in the way. Keep on lovin’ keep on livin’.


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Bailey – 17 year old amputee, now 19 – A Best Friend's Tale is brought to you by Tripawds.