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Not great over here10

Well, Prancer’s blood work did not come back with good news. Vet said her numbers are at her worst and he is pretty sure her kidney function is now below 20%.  She has been finicky about eating.  She liked the Science Diet KD, then would only eat it with the KD Stew (a new mixture out there but the vet can’t get anymore just yet – he gave us his samples), however, then turned her nose up at that.  I poured some tuna water over her food and she ate some.  Then I moved onto just tuna, but now she won’t eat that either.  We then made boiled chicken and she wolfed that down last night, however today she would have none of it.  I even tried some parmesan encrusted tilapia (I know it’s not the best for her, but she liked it the other day when I gave her a little and then she ate the tuna) but she didn’t even look at it.  Plain yogurt was another effort but only a lick.  I am going to try some chicken broth over any of the above and see if she is interested.

We have started fluids 2/week and went in today for her second round and weirdly so she gained a half a pound – no clue how that happened. It is sending me mixed messages, just when I think we are done, she gains weight.  She is very mellow and sleeps most of the day but when I take her to the dog park or just out with me to run errands she seems OK.  She seems a little down and I assume it is because she is not feeling well, but I have only seen her throw up once a few days ago, other than that all her bodily functions are seem to be fine.  I have no idea what to do at this point. I know the end is near, but it is so hard when she doesn’t seem like she is that bad off, just more tired than normal and picky about eating.  She really just seems to want to be near me too, which it was my understanding she would become distant if she felt bad.

My daughter doesn’t want to live without a dog and is crying that it will be too weird to come home and not have one of our dogs greeting us.  She says it is too close to losing Bailey … boy is she right, but then in the same conversation she tells me not to cry because Prancer will be in heaven with Bailey and isn’t that where she should be with him.  We should be happy they will be reunited.  Praying for guidance and hoping when it is time she just goes to sleep.  I think it will be very hard for my household to have to decide again.



  1.    maximutt at August 7th, 2014 10:16 PM:

    I’m sorry to hear Prancer isn’t feeling well. I can’t give you much advice on what’s going on with her, only to say: love her up every minute you have her (although I know you already do that!). I know that in my personal experience, I always worried about when “the time” would come, would I know it, would I have to make a hard decision that I second-guessed afterward? All I can tell you is that our last few fur-babies made it very clear that it was time. I have a feeling Prancer will do that for you, too. Whatever happens, and whatever decisions you make, it will be the absolute right thing, because you acted out of your deep love for Prancer. But, until that time comes, I’ll keep Prancer in my prayers, and send positive healing thoughts her way.


    •    baprance at August 9th, 2014 6:29 PM:

      Thank you


  2.    bcullom at August 7th, 2014 10:36 PM:

    So sorry…..Keeping you, Prancer, and your family in my thoughts………

    Bonnie & Angel Polly


    •    baprance at August 9th, 2014 6:28 PM:

      Thank you.


  3.    benny55 at August 7th, 2014 11:19 PM:

    Yeah, Maximutt said it very well.

    Viewing fro afar, it does seem she still has quality. Yeah, she’s being picky, but she still…even if it’s not everyday!

    Can you give sub-Q fluids yourself at home and even more frequently than just twice a week?. I know my Bodie always ate better after I gave him his fluids

    Something to consider as a possibility.

    And you know the drill all too well about staying in the moment, being more dog and let NOTHING interfere with your time together!!! Take it one day at a time. Prancer is with you today and wil l be with you tomorrow. You need not think in the future beyond that… day at a time, and then the next……

    Yeah, Prance his having good days,,and maybe some “less good”…this is the new “normal” with the situation you are dealing with. She’s not in pain, being tired and sleeping more is not painful. She’s clearly eating enough to sustain her if she gained a half a pound!!

    Prancer will let you know when she’s ready to join Bailey. When she can no longer be Prancer…..she’ll let you know.

    Talk to the vet about doing sub Q fluids at home and more frequently if he suggests that.

    B R E A T H E…….B R E A T H E…… day at a time…..stay in the present…..and trust all will work out as it should. Bailey is watching over you both.

    Sending you hugs and love!

    Sally and Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle


    •    baprance at August 9th, 2014 6:28 PM:

      Thank you


  4.    benny55 at August 7th, 2014 11:22 PM:

    Just want to add you are doing EVERYTHING possible for y our Prancer! The meals you have been preparing are wonderful! You are an incredibly devoted human for your dogs!


    •    baprance at August 9th, 2014 6:27 PM:

      Thank you.


  5.    jerry at August 8th, 2014 9:14 AM:

    I’m so very, very sorry. Prancer and all of you are so courageous and strong, I know of no other person who has shown such dedication through thick and thin.

    Somehow, you will find in in your heart to reunite him with Bailey when the time is right. It’s the most difficult decision but the kindest. You have our support, we totally understand the agony.



    •    baprance at August 9th, 2014 6:27 PM:

      Thank you.


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Bailey – 17 year old amputee, now 19 – A Best Friend's Tale is brought to you by Tripawds.