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Oh Jingle8

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle.  I have considered  starting a blog, “What did Jingle do this week?”

Since my last post, Jingle has chewed on two more of my area rugs, has torn my mail to bits, destroyed my daughter’s art work (it was painted so we had to call the place she did the art work to find out the paint that was used and then call the vet to make sure she would be OK), chewed my inhaler case (she didn’t puncture the inhalant), ate the fingers off a doll, ripped up gift bags, chewed up pictures (one of Bailey and broke the memorial plate my vet sent us) and…wait for it… opened the sliding door to my laundry room and entered the Girl Scout Cookie Room (I am the cookie mom and store all the cookies from week to week), let’s just say her breath smelled like lemons that night.  She helped herself to a box of Lemonades.  She meticulously opened the package and helped herself to almost the whole box.  She had a little bellyache that night, but nothing significant.

Oh, I am not done.  The finale was her jumping out of the car window (which was not even half way open) to chase a jogger.  I was completely freaked out she was dead or broke a bone, but when I jumped out of the car in the middle of the road she was just standing there turning in circles not knowing what to do.  Miraculously she only had a tiny road rash mark on the inside of her leg…I am amazed nothing else happened to her considering where the road rash was she must have landed with her legs splayed open. My husband was in the car behind me and said the face of the runner was priceless.

She is able to jump onto any surface in my house, including my kitchen island even though we move the bar stools away.  She’s like a cat.  And when you scold her she bows her head and looks up at you with her big eyes and tail wagging.

So we are still “those people” at dog obedience class, but I think the others enjoy us coming as it takes the pressure off of them; their dog’s look well behaved compared to us.  She has improved and I think she might actually graduate, we will know next week.

I have not been able to find a bone yet that she cannot chew threw within 20-30 minutes or a toy that she cannot break.  She has chewed through or broken 2 Kong toys and eats Bully Sticks within 30 minutes.  I think if I could find something to entertain her  while we are gone she would’t feel the need to get into everything else.  Any suggestions?

Jingle got a haircut – how can you be mad at this face?  Sorry can’t post pictures, it says I have exceeded my storage limit even thought I deleted pictures.  🙂




  1.    kazann at February 20th, 2015 8:40 PM:

    Well, Jingle is not boring and lives life to the fullest!

    Hockey pucks are hard to chew through.

    Have fun Jingle. Lucky you that you have such a loving and patient family.

    Kerren and Trikitty Mona


    •    baprance at February 20th, 2015 9:53 PM:

      She sure does and she has so much fun doing it. She is beyond sweet and loves being played with and loved.


  2.    maximutt at February 20th, 2015 11:03 PM:

    Not the Lemonades!! Oh the humanity!! Those are my favorite! 🙂 I hope Jingle enjoyed them as much as I do!! Wow, I am absolutely exhausted after reading this entry! You definitely have your hands full! You may want to keep documenting everything Jingle does. I remember a certain dog named Marley; his Dad wrote a book about his antics and made a boatload of money!! But, on a serious note, I’m not sure how old Jingle is, but you might want to talk to your trainer about Noseworks. We have Linda & Bernie (10 & 5 yrs) enrolled, and they are EXHAUSTED after the class. Jingle may be a bit young, but I guess it doesn’t hurt to check it out. Maybe something like that would keep her occupied a bit?? In the meantime, keep posting great Jingle stories!!


    •    baprance at February 21st, 2015 10:23 PM:

      Thanks for the tip. I never heard of Noseworks but will check it out. I love the Lemonades too.

      Funny, I actually thought about a book on Bailey, ironically he did the same antic with the car and loved to eat through my COUCH.


  3.    4myty at February 21st, 2015 12:34 AM:

    Oh, I am sorry, but I am laughing here. Well, except for her Jumping out of the car. I am glad she was not hurt. My daughter’ dog did that once. She also was uninjured. I now always make sure the child lock is on for the windows.oye! This sort of reminds me of the blog post I wrote on all the no food items that TY injested in his lifetime. At least she ate Lemon cookies instead of Thin Mints. And she stopped at one box. Antlers! A tad pricey , but so worth it. I get large, un split ones. The ones that are split, they go through too fast. As long as you keep an eye that they don’t get too small as to be a choking hazard, I have them around always.Now, I have to find a Girl Scout and buy me a box of Lemonades.


    •    baprance at February 21st, 2015 10:25 PM:

      We did get her an Antler but she lost interest in about a week to 2. I have even tried smearing a little peanut butter on her bones but once it is gone she is done.

      Love my Lemonades – they are my favorite


  4.    jerry at February 22nd, 2015 11:36 AM:

    Wowwww! She is one active pup! I agree, something like nosework will do her a lot of good. We have one member, Domino, who is enrolled in a class starting March 1 and another member, Tracy, is very into it with her dog Hailey and her previous pup, Angel Maggie. I would search the Forums for “nosework” and you’ll find a lot, we also have some posts in our Amazon and Gear blogs.

    I can totally relate about being the “example” in the class, that was our Wyatt for the first two years we had him in training. Hang in there, things DO get better and she’ll mellow out. Oh speaking of mellowing out, have you tried toys like the Everlasting Treat Ball or the Nina Ottoson toys? Check out our Amazon blog, there are mentions in there too. Sorry, I’d post the link but I’m on my mobile.

    About the photos beig maxed out: you have two options for posting them: either post them somewhere like Photobucket and then copy/paste the “Image URL” link into your blog post (the photo will appear as long as you put it in the photo icon popup box lwhile you’re composing a post). Or you can become a supporter; Trpawds supporters get more storage space, The support helps to cover the costs of hosting our community blogs, forums, etc. You’ll see more info at and you can PM me with any questions OK?


    •    baprance at February 26th, 2015 7:00 AM:

      Thanks for the tips. Of course I will become a supporter. I could not have made it through those first few days after Bailey’s surgery without this group. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


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Bailey – 17 year old amputee, now 19 – A Best Friend's Tale is brought to you by Tripawds.