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Bailey is resting comfortably next to me on his pillow.  He has been slowly coming out of the anesthesia and has been a little wobbly, but overall he is doing well.  Thank you all for your positive thoughts our way.  I had my daughter crying this morning as we dropped Bailey off and it was nice to read all your posts and positive thoughts.

The doc said teeth are a good indication of overall health and Bailey’s teeth looked great.  He had some tartar and gingivitis, but that has been cleaned up and no teeth had to be pulled.  He is 18.5 with all his teeth intact; he has never had one pulled as long as I can remember. (Prancer on the other hand took to eating rocks at one point and cracked a tooth, which subsequently had to be pulled.)


Dental Appointment Tomorrow – 10 months post-amputation3

Well I finally had to make the call and Bailey is having his teeth cleaned in the morning.  His breath is pretty bad and his teeth don’t look great, but more importantly he yelps when I try to check his teeth.  I think one might be loose or have some kind of infection so the vet and I decided it was time.  I am definitely stressed out tonight, but my vet promised to take him first in the morning and only give him a light anesthetic.  Other than his teeth, Bailey is doing well.  As of January 27, 2013 he is 10 months post amputation and as of January 6, 2013 Bailey reached his 18 1/2 birthday.   My vet just looks at him now and chuckles a little amazed Bailey is still with us.  Bailey has his normal  “senior” issues, but other than that I can’t complain.

Send good thoughts to my little guy tomorrow that he has a successful cleaning.


It’s a Merry Christmas3

It is a Christmas miracle! Bailey happily and healthily celebrated Christmas with us. That makes 18 Christmases with Bailey and 14 with Prancer, Bailey’s “younger” sister (she is 15).  We had a little bit of issues with dogs not seeing all the gifts on the floor and Bailey losing his balance, but we managed.

I have been a little worried with the colder weather we have been getting here in Florida that it would be harder on Bailey’s bones ( he has a little arthritis near his tailbone) with only three legs, but he has been a trooper.  He always a loved the colder weather and being a tripawd does not seem to have changed that.  Most of Bailey’s problems arise from his diminished eyesight rather than his three leg status, but even that did not desktop Bailey this time of year.   This is, of course, the busy season for Bailey. There are plenty of mail trucks up and down our street delivering packages that Bailey must bark at all day.

We hope you all had a wonderful holiday.


A lot to be thankful for – 8 months post amputation3

It amazes me that I am writing this post.  I hoped, but tried never to be unrealistic, about our venture.  I am a little premature on our completion of 8 months, but considering tomorrow is thanksgiving I felt the need to write a post early for thanksgiving for all the tripods out there.  Recently I saw on Facebook a tripod elephant; I thought Bailey was amazing and I still think he is, but that elephant was incredible.

The update on Bailey is he is still he with us and doing just fine.  His eyesight has severely diminished.  Sometimes he seems confused on how to get back in the house or where I am and it breaks my heart, but then every night he meets me in the bedroom for me to pick him up and to go to sleep next to me – exactly where he has been for 18 1/2 years and I can tell he is still happy and just adjusting to his new life.

The next big decision for us is whether to have his teeth cleaned.  They have not been cleaned for several years now.  I think we stopped when he was 15 or 16 considering his age, but now his breath STINKS and his teeth don’t look so great.  His vet is fine with cleaning them after the first of the year if he is still doing fine, but I have some apprehension.  He has always done well with anesthesia but considering his now age and cancer I just don’t know what to do.  I would be devastated if he died because we had his teeth cleaned, but I would feel the same if periodontal disease caused an infection that impacted his health.  Any thoughts?

Happy Thanksgiving and a big thanks to this tripawd community for always being there for my family.


Six month update5

I am actually scared to write the 6 month (6 months was September 29, 2012) update afraid I will jinx myself.  Everything we were told when Bailey had his amputation was “you are giving him another 3-6 months”, this was assuming we would do chemo, then 6 months was the magic number.We did 2 rounds of chemo, but it was enough for Bailey’s little body.  Bailey is doing well, as well as can be expected from an 18 year old.  His eyesight has really gone down hill.  He walks into things a lot more frequently – I am afraid to take him away from the house for fear he will hurt himself.    His hearing is well…. optional.  Watching me get his attention should be on YouTube.  I basically flail my body about until he catches a glimpse of me as I speak loudly hoping he will miraculously hear me.  I have become a little bit more patient when it comes to waiting for him.

He is in a routine of potty, bedtime snack and then a big lift from mama into the bed for a restful night’s sleep.   It amazes me how good this boy of mine is.  Never complains.He greets me with the same excitement he has for 18 years, except this time I run in the house to try to get him to greet me on the rug, otherwise his own excitement cause him to fall on the floor (he is a big tail wagger).

My worrying never stops.  I fear he will break another leg at any given moment or I will come home and find him hurt, but then I muster to move on in my thoughts and give him a hug and get a kiss in return and all is right again.  I can only pray that if I am ever faced with something as difficult as Bailey I can handle it with the grace, strength and acceptance he has.



Tripod needs home1

Tripod needs home

Just got this email from a friend and thought I would post here just in case someone is interested.

Here’s the information I received:

Sweet Tripod boy needs a loving home. Said to be 1 yr old, great with other dogs, cats and children. Please contact Silma for more information 904-502-4128 (Jacksonville). Neutered, heartworm negative, and up to date on shots.  Evidently the owners are moving to Brazil and are unable to take him with them.  Look at his face!!!!  He looks like a cuddler!



Just wanted to post an update on my handsome man, Bailey.  He is still doing quite well. So many people who see him can’t believe how well he has adjusted.  I find myself repeating one of the doctor’s regularly that was involved with his amputation, “Dogs were born with three legs and a spare”.

One of my biggest fears after amputation was Bailey sleeping on the bed and jumping off – same with the couch.  He doesn’t seem overly interested with the couch, however when I do pick him up to sit with me he jumps off pretty easily (we have area rugs around the couches so not as big as a concern as the bed).  As for the bed, he has a whole routine.  When he sees I am getting ready for bed he follows me in the room and waits on his bed.  When I am ready we go outside for our last restroom break and then inside for a treat.  Once his treat is done he waits for me to pick him up and put him in the bed.  In the morning I help him up a little (more my need than his) and then he heads right into my arms almost at a jump to get off the bed.

I did see him once manage to get his two front paws on the ottoman standing on his back leg.  Of course his motivation was the chocolate pudding cup my daughter let there.  Yum for him.  Mom was not happy with him, but I was excited to see he could do it.

His eyesight seems to really be on the decline, but frankly watching him run around the yard you can’t really tell.  I notice it most when I am  near him and he is looking all around the room for me.  If he knows I am in the house he must know where I am before he settles into a spot.

The only concern I have is he does fall down quite a bit on his amputated side right on the bone.  It seems like it would hurt and I feel so bad for him.  Anyone know anything about that?  It does not seem to bother him when I pet or touch him there.



My handsome man

A sleeping boy
A sleeping boy





The city we live in had a dogapalooza.  Dogs came all dressed up in costume, they got to make their own art work with their paws and money and dog food were raised for the local humane society and various dog groups.

Knowing my dogs I knew a costume was not happening, but hoped for the best for the art work.  I managed to get the front paws of both dogs on one sheet – what a fun idea.  

The dog that won the costume contest was a beagle dressed as a hippie in a hippie style t-shirt with round yellow sunglasses – too cute.  Prizes were awarded and apparently Bailey caught the heart of one of the judges and he won a gift just for showing up. 🙂 Both he and Prancer received tons of attention and loved it all.

Bailey received even more attention by my vet; he continues to be so supportive of Bailey and put him again on his website wishing him a happy birthday and dressing him up in a party hat; he even placed on link on his site to this blog.  I am so fortunate to have such a caring and supportive vet.  To see Bailey in his party hat go to






We made it!!!!  He is 18 years old today and was running around yesterday at the dog park like a pup.  We have a day planned of birthday parties for Bailey.  First we drop off brownie pops for the vet to say “thank you”.  Next my daughter and 4 of her friends are having a party for Bailey (Bailey’s doggie cousin, Mia, was also invited).  We had t-shirts made up with Bailey’s face on them for the kids to decorate and the game pin the paw on the doggie.  

I have been told by my 6 year old that I have to have a cake for Bailey, as well as her friends.  Considering his 18 year old sensitive stomach we are making a dog cake from his treats and layering it with cheese – hopefully that will work.

 For dinner all the grandparents are coming over for a dinner birthday party.  I posted some pixs of Bailey’s day so far, including him opening his presents.


Dog of the Month6

Bailey was named dog of the month by his vet this month.  He received a summary and video on our vets webpage.  He was a regular old ham -he looked right at the camera and it looked at one point like he was smiling.  I don’t know how to move the video into the blog but thought I could at least place a link in here in case you are interested in hearing about Bailey and seeing the big old ham.  Hopefully this will work.  Here is the link: Shadow Lake Animal Hospital.  Bailey is the June 22, 2012 post/story.

Bailey – 17 year old amputee, now 19 – A Best Friend's Tale is brought to you by Tripawds.