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Two and half months post amputation1

It is hard to believe that it has been two and a half months since amputation.  Bailey has adjusted but is not able able to go back to his old activities.  He is more sedentary than before and of course unable to jump.  Running is done a little more cautiously, unless it is one of those dangerous mail trucks that he must protect the home from; he forgets his limitations and takes off full force only to go off balance, but quickly corrects himself to chase the mighty truck beast.  He also also stopped his lizard hunting, but I can’t chalk all of this up to the amputation as opposed to his age, failing eyesight and hearing.  It makes me sad not to see him in full swing, but again I think his age has a lot to do with everything.  What I can share is he gets excited to go for a car ride, going outside with me to play and still gets up to join us in crazy dancing with my daughter.  His tail wags and he gives me kisses – his life has changed, but he is here and happy and part of the family.


Ending Chemo4

Well it took me a while but I have finally figured out how to attach pictures so you all can finally meet Bailey and his sister, Prancer.  Under Pages to the right is a Pictures category and there you will find his x-ray pictures, a post amputation picture and Bailey.   I will continue to post pictures now that I have figured it out.  It just took Bailey waking me up before six in the morning and then falling back asleep leaving me wide awake.

As for an update on Bailey, with my vet, we have decide to end Bailey’s chemotherapy.  He only had two treatments of five but it just seemed like the trips to the vet and the treatments were taking their toll on him.  The treatments seemed to have aged him.  His muzzle is darker and has less hair and he seems so tired.  He also was having problems going to the bathroom and with vomiting (it is almost daily but just small amounts).  His hair also still has not grown back in fully.  Since we have stopped the chemo he seems to be shifting back to normal but the aging is still there. We are hoping that the two treatments have made some impact.  The hemangiosarcoma was never found anywhere else in his body other than the amputated site, so hopefully Bailey will be able to live his life on his terms and, as we all hope, just move on to his next adventure because of old age… Ignorance is Bliss and I think I will stay there for a while.  We are on the countdown to Bailey’s 18th birthday – July 6th (Prancer’s birthday is July 1 and she will be 14, hopefully we will have a birthday party week).

Fun news is Bailey was selected as the dog of the quarter by our vet’s office and he will be writing an article on his website on Bailey – they called Friday and asked me to bring him in to be videotaped.  Will keep you all posted on that and hopefully be able to link the site.




It has been a few weeks since I posted as we have been busy with every day life.  My daughter had a surprise birthday party, which she directed was to be doggie related and to include Bailey.  Normally I have the dogs go to my Aunt’s house for a party to avoid any issues, but since Bailey’s amputation he has not stayed anywhere outside my home or the vet, plus my daughter wanted him here.  Originally we were having a pool party but the tropical storm in Florida caused the party to be moved inside and a new theme was born.  We had a doggie adoption party (stuffed animals, of course).  The kids had to find dog bones, complete their adoption certificate, take their dogs to the groomer and vet, which were all tended to by older cousins and friends.  The kids then had a doggie fashion show introducing their adopted dogs to everyone.  We made my daughter a special dog to adopt…a three legged stuffed animal, aptly named Bailey by her.  Bailey, the original, was front and center at the party.  He sat right by the girls when the presents were opened, hung around any place food might drop and greeted each guest as they arrived.  It was a good decision to have Bailey at the party.

The next few days however proved not to be as easy.  Bailey started having light bouts of nausea and when we took him to the vet for blood work something happened, although we have no idea what.  When he was being brought back into the room with the vet tech holding him (she never put him down since I first handed him to her) and he started screaming (it sounded like the scream when he broke his leg) and he didn’t stop for a a good minute, although it felt like 60.  The vet (she was filling in for our regular vet) was in the room when this happened, but we still have no idea why this happened other than a possible seizure with a spasm as he recovered fairly quickly and was eating treats within minutes.  The vet pushed and prodded on him and nothing seemed overly tender.  The vet gave him a shot of Cerenia to help with the nausea and fluids sub-cutaneously as she was a little worried about dehydration as he was panting after the above incident.

My issue is Bailey didn’t want to go the vet’s and hid behind me the whole time we were there.  He just didn’t seem like he wanted to be there anymore and I promised myself that when it seemed like enough I would stop.  I am waiting to hear from the vet on Monday as to his blood work and will decide more then, but as of now I cancelled his next chemo round for Monday.  I am just worried the trips to the vet are putting more stress on him than it is worth.  Friday was just so emotional seeing him in pain again and scared and not being able to help him.  He just seems a little tired to me and then like a puppy again.  Once the blood work comes back I will make a more informed and less emotional choice (I hope).



Back to the Doctor Again4

Bailey had chemo last Monday and seemed fine (doctor had given him additional Cerenia for a few extra days that really seemed to help) but Tuesday night brought on a new set of problems.  He was in bed with me and his body was shaking, whether he was awake or asleep, and his breathing seemed a little labored.  Poor guy had been trying to go to the bathroom all day and continued to try throughout the night.  We slept on the couch so Bailey had easy access outside.

In the morning I called the vet and we agreed to see how he was in a few hours.  I was able to get done with work by 11:00 a.m. and headed home only to find him not much better.  Very lethargic and continuing to try to use the doggie bathroom.  I hand fed him and he ate more of his food, but when I took him for a short walk (just to the side of the house) he just kind of gave up and sat on the road.  I carried him home and made a vet appointment at 2 PM.  Bailey slept on my lap until we left.

When the vet came in the room he looked at Bailey, who barely lifted his head to greet him, and agreed Bailey did not feel well and asked me to once again leave Bailey with him.  Two hours later Bailey had IV fluid, an x-ray, an antibiotic shot, a shot of Cerenia and was given an antibiotic to take home for his belly for a few days.  He was a little bit happier at this time.  Definitely more alert.

Good news was the doc did x-rays and no cancer was seen in the X-rays, particularly in the heart or spleen, where hemangiosarcoma usually hits.  Bad news was he had bronchitis.  The blood worked showed the next day that his white blood cell count was pretty low.  It should no lower than 35,000, but his was at 15,000.  He prescribed another antibiotic to try to stave off any new infections.  He also gave me some more Cernia just in case he was feeling  queasy.

He wet the bed last nigh,t but woke up a much happier dog (other than for the fast shower I gave him).  He is sleeping next to me and his breathing seems fairly peaceful right now.


Just a few ups and downs3

Bailey’s second round of chemo was on Monday and he did well on the anti-nausea medication, but once the pills were finished we faced some belly issues.  Friday night and Saturday he ate, however he was a very picky eater.  He did not eat all his food and would only take certain treats.  We had  a small amount of throwing up, but it was truly a little amount.  You could see he was not feeling well by his actions and non-actions, but this round was definitely better than the last.

On another note, I received today for Mother’s Day a painting of both Bailey and Prancer done by a local artist.  My husband surprised both my daughter and me.


So Far So Good6

Bailey had his second round of chemo on Monday after his blood work came back fine.   So far so good.  The doc put him on anti-nausea medication for four days.  We have made it through three days already with no problems other than an accident in the bed following his first day of chemo.  He is eating fine and acting fine.  Paws crossed his wellness continues once the medicine is stopped.

Today was a big day out foreveryone.  We took both dogs down to the beach about 6:45 am.  My daughter has been asking to take Bailey to the beach since his amputation and today was the day.  Fortunately we live seconds from the beach.  I was worried how he would do in the sand with three legs, but I quickly found out that was a wasted concern? He did great and enjoyed running down the beach.

About two hours later I found out a doggie park opened up about 5 minutes from my house.  Feeling brave we went to the doggie park.  He was amazing again.  Of course he received his much appreciated attention and welcomed all the sniffs from other dogs.  Prancer hung around in the back drop carefully watching Bailey to ensure his safety.  She would make a quick sweep every time a dog came near Bailey to make sure all was good.  She has always been such a protective sister and still is.



UGGGHHH.  Bailey freaked me out this morning.  I was up sick last night so was sound asleep this morning when he got up.  I am normally a light sleeper, but only heard the jingle jangle of his collar after he was off the bed (and not a low bed).  I flew out of bed getting ready to scoop him up off the floor and go running to the doctor.  Instead, I find Bailey trotting up and down the hallway waiting for breakfast bright eyed and bushy tailed.   God watches over my dog, although I hope he does not try that again.

We had blood work today for round two of chemo and when I shared with the doc about his “jumping incident”  he just smiled and shook his head and said “he’s something”.  I will hear back tomorrow if his blood work is OK to proceed with round two. I also talked to him about giving Bailey something to stop the nausea and he has already planned to give him something with the chemo and for four days thereafter.  Paws crossed he is not sick this time.




I can’t believe it has been one month already. Bailey is doing well so far.  He still has some issues with balance and doesn’t play as much.  He loved to play tug-a-war and fetch, but has not since his surgery.  Today was his first day that he played a little, but his attention span was only for a few minutes.  I don’t think I can entirely blame that on the amputation, he is after all a few months away from his 18th birthday.  I keep my fingers crossed we will make it to 18, but for now short terms goals.

The second round of chemo is a week from today; we get blood work on Thursday to make sure we can do chemo.  Depending on this round we will determine if we proceed with chemo again.  The doc is going to give him the anti-nausea medication right away, I believe, with the chemo and right after.  After chemo goal number 2 is my daughter’s 6th birthday; she and I have talked about how he might not be around for her birthday but I think will be; I guess his blood work will let us know a little more.

I am still confused about how they can tell if and how badly the cancer has spread.  It is just so scary to think about this disease inside his body that is just waiting to explode.  I figured by  18 he would just go to sleep one night and that would be it, but now we have cancer.  I have to tell you if cancer was not an issue, I truly think Bailey would have made his 20th, if not, 21st birthday.  All tests have shown all organs look good and he still looks like an average aged dog.


Back to normal2

Bailey is mostly back to his old self again – begging for food, monitoring the yard, protecting the house and making his nightly rounds before bedtime. He has tried to jump up on the couch more than once, although unsuccessful.  It stresses me Out.  I stop him as soon as I see what he is trying to do, but should I let him try? When I pick him up to sit on the couch with me he tries to jump off the couch when he is ready to get down (since he is next to me I always stop him him). Should I let him try this? I am so worried about him possibly breaking another leg or getting hurt.  Any thoughts? Are tripods able to jump up and down on and off things? I will ask the vet too next time I see him.

On another note, we tried swimming today.  I thought that might be good exercise for him; he didn’t have the same though.  Went right to the side to get out.


Eating again5

Bailey has been eating fairly well since Sunday – hamburger meat did the trick (major treat in the vegetarian home).  He does seem to be sleeping an awful lot though.  I actually had to wake him up this morning.  He also seems to still have problems balancing – sometimes he sways; his back leg also seems tired at times too.  I assume all this is normal, it is just sad to see.  The odd part is when he is interested in something or running (he does a fast trot now) to see what is going on outside his posture is great.  It seems as if sometimes he forgets he is missing something in the back.

With all that said, my dog is happy.  I think his lethargy and swaying may have more to do with his age than his situation, after all he will be 18 soon.  His tail still wags when I come home or walk into the room he is in.  He gets excited to eat and receive treats.  He loves going outside and taking in the sun, wind or rain (he does not and never has discriminated against any kinds of weather).  He gives kisses freely and has made a lot of new friends and has tons of supporters.  Everyone seems to remember to ask “How is Bailey doing?”.

Thank you all again for your constant advice.  I am the only one I know with a tripod and has a dog in chemo. All your advice and personal experiences help so much.


Bailey – 17 year old amputee, now 19 – A Best Friend's Tale is brought to you by Tripawds.