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Sad News17

It has been a very sad two days for me.  I thought my heart was broken when Bailey moved on, but apparently not totally, because the pain and loss I feel at losing Prancer has been overwhelming.  At 17 years of age she has crossed that bridge and is basking in the sun and running free next to her buddy Bailey.

Yesterday at 8 AM I brought her to the vet for her final visit.  By the time I got home from work, about 3:00 PM I could see things had changed.  Although she was happy to see me when I got home her breathing had changed.  It seemed a little heavier.   She licked some plain yogurt, but not enough to feel excited about her eating.  I took her to bed with me early and thought maybe a good night sleep would make her feel better.  By 2 AM I was up for the night with her.  She would doze for maybe 10 – 30 minutes but her breathing was comprised of short pants.  Her balance was off and her stance was unsteady.  She tried relieving herself outside, but had some difficulty having any bowel movements.  I prayed for her to pass in her sleep, but apparently that was not the plan.

Our wonderful vet allowed us to sit with her in the sun as she drifted off to sleep.  We sat outside with her for a while to let her feel the sun on her body before we took her back inside for the final shot.  While we were outside I swear her heart stopped and started again.  Her passing was different from Bailey’s.  Her body was poisoned from all the toxins inside her and when her body relaxed it become obvious.  I held her for as long as I could and we sang to her.  My daughter is a rock, and despite her fear and tears she keeps telling me Prance is with Bailey where she belongs and we will see her again in heaven.

Thank you all for your constant words of support.  I know this journey of ours would have been a lot harder without this community.

Pictures of my BFF’s over time.  Always willing to be hugged, play dress up, attend a tea party or just give us love.  Thank you for being part of our family.

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  1.    mom2shelby at August 9th, 2014 7:00 PM:

    I am so sorry for your tremendous loss and the pain you feel. 19 years?!?!? … what an amazing life!!! What a lucky, lucky dog!

    Sending you lots of love and hugs as your heart heals … there is never enough time with them but I know Shelby has welcomed her with open arms.

    Much love,
    Alison with the Spirit of Shelby fur-ever in her heart


    •    baprance at August 9th, 2014 7:56 PM:

      Prancer was actually 17, Bailey was 19, 7 months – We had a senior household for a while. Thanks for you positive message.


  2.    elizabeth at August 9th, 2014 7:39 PM:

    I am so sorry, but wow, 19 years?! Your pictures tell such a love story, and I can feel the love pouring out from them! It is never ever easy, no matter the amount of time we get with them, our hearts are never quite the same. I can really tell how much both of them were truly loved, and how lucky they were to have such a wonderful family who loved, and will continue to love, them forever!


    •    baprance at August 9th, 2014 7:57 PM:

      Thank you, they were truly loved. Prancer was actually 17, Bailey was 19, 7 months – We had a senior household for a while.


  3.    maximutt at August 9th, 2014 8:29 PM:

    I’m sorry to hear Prancer has gone on, but I know she is back with Bailey. Thank you for sharing Bailey and Prancer with everyone here. Bailey was such an inspiration to many during her battle, and Prancer has again shown us how amazing our fur babies are, young or old. Sending healing thoughts to you.


    •    baprance at August 10th, 2014 12:48 PM:

      Thank you, we need those thoughts. They have both taught us so much. There never ending get up and go. I don’t remember a day, until Bailey’s last one, that either of them ever refused to get up and greet me, good or bad days for them.


  4.    leland4 at August 9th, 2014 8:32 PM:

    I am so sorry for you and your family with the loss of your precious Prancer. Even at 17 yo what a long life Prancer had. I only got 4 1/2 years with my Leland before we had to let him go. I know this time is rough but take comfort in knowing that Prancer has met back up with Bailey and they are running and having fun together again.

    Sending you and your family thoughts of comfort.

    Sahana and her Angel Leland


    •    baprance at August 10th, 2014 12:50 PM:

      I am sorry for you loss and short time with Leland but I know just after a short time having my dogs they were already in my heart, 1 year or 19 years, they love so wholeheartedly it is hard to let them go realizing that was the best love you will ever get.


  5.    bcullom at August 9th, 2014 8:47 PM:

    I am sorry sorry about your Prancer……she and sweet beloved Bailey are now together…..I have been following your story of both your seniors since being a member of Tripawds, and although your pain is immeasurable, how fortunate you were to have your pups for as long as you did. I guess, though, that just makes for a much harder goodbye as well……
    I love these beautiful pics, and thank you for sharing them with us.
    Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers….this journey is never an easy one, and harder when you lose two in a short amount of time….
    Bonnie & Angel Polly


    •    baprance at August 10th, 2014 12:51 PM:

      My daughter saw a dog bone in the clouds this am and we said that was them up there eating a big dog bone with a smile on their face, although I am sure there is human food up there too that they are gobbling up together.


  6.    Michelle at August 9th, 2014 10:25 PM:

    I am so sorry for your loss. It is never easy. You gave her a great life at 19 years. That is just amazing

    Love these pictures

    Michelle & Angel Sassy


    •    baprance at August 10th, 2014 12:52 PM:

      Thank you, she gave us the best of her.


  7.    4myty at August 9th, 2014 10:44 PM:

    I am so sorry! Losing our fur kids is so hard. I am sorry that you have experienced 2 losses so close together. 17 years old, that is a long life for a dog and 19 for Bailey! You were definately doing something right. They had such a long, blessed life with you and your family. They are happy and healthy now running together at the bridge. They will both always be with you and will hold a special place in your heart. Love from Lori and Ty


    •    baprance at August 10th, 2014 12:55 PM:

      It’s weird, I never worried about Prancer. She was the healthiest dog. She had liver cancer, had surgery and was better in 3 days. Never had an issue again. I never thought she wouldn’t live as long or longer than Bailey (who always had something going on – allergies, bellyaches, etc.).I know 17 is long but I just assumed she would live until 20 (unrealistic I guess, but my dogs always seems to have survived).


  8.    jerry at August 9th, 2014 11:50 PM:

    This is just the saddest news, I’m really, really sorry and send all my love and condolences to you. Prancer was so strong for so long, just like his family, he was a true fighter right up until the day Bailey came to get him for their first tea party in heaven.

    My heart breaks for you, this is such a hard experience that life throws at us. Thank you for allowing us to be on this journey with you, it was an honor. I hope you continue sharing beautiful photos like these with us, they really show how much a part of the family Prancer and Bailey were.

    Hang in there and know that you have all the love of this community behind you. {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}


    •    baprance at August 10th, 2014 12:59 PM:

      Thank you for your constant support. I found myself over the years holding my phone waiting for comments from you all after I posted. They always made me feel better and that I was not alone. My husband always left the dog issues up to me (he loved them too) feeling I was better at those decisions and I couldn’t really share too much with my daughter as I didn’t want to upset her too much, although recently her strength and faith have been such an inspiration to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


  9.    benny55 at August 10th, 2014 10:55 PM:

    OHHH, I’m sovery, very sorry about your precious Prancer. And she is, indded precious!

    These pictures of your Bailey and Prancer capture so much love, so much peace, so much contentment, so much joy and an overload of cuteness! These are the memories Prancer and Bailey want you to keep in your heart. These are the memories they are taking with you.

    Yes, Prancer, and Bailey too, had an increidbly “long earthly visit”…but that just means you have that much more to miss. Sure, you can be grateful for the sacred years you had together, and I know you are, , but that doesn’t lessen the painful and gut wrenching heartbreak of the suffocating grief you feel.

    And, as you already know, the void, the routine, the caregiving…..all that will seem unbearable.

    With time though, the great memories that made you smile, the memories that made Prancer wag and wiggle…all those loving moments will help push the sadness away. Your shattered heart will be glued back together with the love of Prancer…with the love of Bailey…and with the knowing that they are together and you will all be reunited someday…only to realize they never really left you anyway.

    THE BEST LOVE YOU WILL EVER GET! That says ir all so well…ABSOLUTELY PERFECT EXPRESSION of how our hearts feel about our bond with our dogs!!!!

    And you know what? When Bailey greeted Prancer….yeah…he probably got the Angels to make some clouds in the shape of a dog bone on the way to the bridge to help show hime the way….anyway, I bet Bailey and Prancer were, not only wagging non stop at seeing each other, but becuse they were telling each other….”Our humans gave us the best love we have ever had!!!”

    Check out the Tripawds Alumni Thread when you can. That would be a great place to get continued support, understanding and sharing more stories and photos of Prancer and Bailey.

    A special hug to your daughter too! She is a very wise soul and will always be protected by her Guardian Angels, Bailey and Prancer…as will you.

    Sending you love,

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle


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Bailey – 17 year old amputee, now 19 – A Best Friend's Tale is brought to you by Tripawds.