All is well here. We continue to have our ups and downs with good days and bad days. It has been cold here in sunny Florida, but Bailey loves the cold, despite the fact it probably aggravates his arthritis. He has had a few days with some whimpers, but his muscle relaxer here and there helped.
I have moved furniture again in the house to add more rug area. Bailey’s remaining back leg clearly gets tired, particularly trying not to slip on the tile. We have had a little problem teaching Bailey the new layout as his eyesight is pretty shot, but I think he is managing; he also seems to have a little bit off an easier time now that he has more rug area.
Both dogs continue to receive fluids weekly for their kidney failure. We continue to have some upset tummies here and there, but for the most part they are both doing well.
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Prancer did great. She is home and seems no worse for the wear. Doc said she did great. He was happy to see she is still gaining weight. I opted not to get the biopsy after discussion with the doc that having that knowledge would not change our course of treatment. Even if we found out it was cancer she is not a candidate for chemo, nor would we do it. He has another dog patient that has cancer in his mouth and he just freezes off the tumors each time and has been doing such with that dog for about 2 years. Plus, I didn’t feel knowing was best for us at this stage.

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So Prancer is scheduled for surgery this coming Tuesday. That tumor on her lip has gotten bigger and the doc feels it is best to take it off to be on the safe side. He is only going to give her some gas to keep her under for a short time. She is still doing OK with her kidney failure in that she is still eating well, not drinking excessively, still seems happy and gets her weekly fluids on Tuesdays. I was very troubled over whether to have the surgery but it does look like it is uncomfortable now to have that in her lip and she seems to be turning away her hard treats – I am thinking it might hurt her lip to eat something hard or it could just be my imagination. I hope this is the right decision, but like the doc said he rather get that off in case it is cancer to give her the best shot for less problems. Here is a picture of the “tumor” on her lip.

My beautiful girl
Bailey is doing better too. Once all that medicine was stopped he is much more involved with the family. His “kidney failure” has improved with his fluids. He went from 200 down to 70 on one of his numbers. The doc is going to continue with weekly fluids to maintain him. Doc is more concerned with his spine and arthritis. He clearly walks like an “old man”. His back is very hunched and sometimes he “drags” his leg somewhat. His back leg moves up and down but he does not extend it fully. My brave boy…he never seems to complain about his back if there is pain. Getting comfy in the bed at night takes him several tries throughout the night,but eventually we get a few good hours of sleep.
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Hello World

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We headed to the Vet again on Tuesday with Bailey. First we had Prancer there for her fluids, but once I got back home I just felt Bailey needed to be seen. The night before he was breathing so heavily and panting like I have never seen him pant. We figured the end was near. We gave him a valium, as directed by the vet on Friday if he appeared uncomfortable or agitated. We thought he would drift comfortably off. He slept like a puppy that night and woke up pretty much his old self until I came back home and his panting starting again, but not as bad as the day before.
The Vet got me right back in and once he saw Bailey agreed his lungs looked distended and asked to run some x-rays and do some blood work; he asked for me to leave Bailey there for a few hours. Got a calling about 45 minutes to come get Bailey as he completed all tests and forgot how much Bailey hated being there (that’s my mama’s boy). The x-ray confirmed his heart was fine as were his lungs and that his trachea is collapsed (we already knew about the trachea). He also gave him some fluids as he felt he appeared dehydrated.
We received the blood-work results today and unfortunately it confirmed Bailey has now joined Prancer in kidney failure. He said his is not as advanced as Prancer’s as Bailey’s phosphorous is still within normal range. I don’t completely understand all there is to know about kidney failure, but what I do know is that Prancer eats well daily, takes her treats, runs around the yard and gives me kisses. So far so good. I am hoping Bailey has the same success.
As I write this Bailey is cuddling up against me in bed, giving me kisses as Prancer is tucked in under the covers. It’s a good night so far and I will take it.
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As always we have had ups and downs at the senior household. Bailey had a rough 2 days and didn’t even move for a day … we thought we were at the end, but once we got to the Vet someone perked up. My husband actually joked with the Vet that we should take a picture of the Vet home and show it to him when he feels bad…he always seems to do much better once we get to the office. Winds up the Valium we gave him to help him relax when he was getting anxious the night before really knocked him out. Vet said although he has had it in the past he is just older now and it has a greater impact on him, but she said to still use when needed. He also lost 2 lbs, which has me a little worried, however he is still eating fairly well and loves his treats. Vet said she has a senior dogs too and despite her dog eating well he has also lost weight.
A few hours thereafter Prancer was throwing up and drinking lots of water again. I am afraid her kidneys are having a hard time, although last Vet visit she gained 2 lbs. And just to boot our little red-eared slider turtle, Reese’s Pieces, went to a better Place last week. Despite it all tags wails and kisses are given.
( I just have to add a foot note on how much I like our Vet. He has always been the only Vet in the practice, but recently has started having another Vet come in here and there. We have avoided this Vet due to Bailey’s age and our dogs “unique” issues, but we didn’t have a choice Friday… Bailey needed to be seen. So happy with his Vet “coverage”. First thing she said is we are making no big decisions today until we see how he does over the weekend once she checked him neurologically and saw he was not in pain. Scary seeing any new Vets with a 19 year old, 3 legged, blind baby and a 16 year old in kidney failure. This Vet was just as awesome in her care of Bailey as were the ER Vets our Vet recommended. She actually already new all about Bailey as our Vet had told her about him and how well he has done since amputation.)
I titled this entry rain or shine because our weather has been up and down, just like our household, but the irony is during rain or cold Bailey is outside and Prancer is under the covers and during shine Prancer is outside lying in the sun and Bailey is inside in the AC. I do worry about now outside in the cold with all the arthritis he loves rain and cold, as he always has. I hope this winter doesn’t bother that arthritis too much. I place a heating pad on his back to hopefully give him some extra comfort. He must like it because he never moves away when I place it on.
Here are my babies together. Normally Bailey won’t let Prancer lie on his pillow, but I think he realized she needed comfort and so did he. Two sick pups comforting one another. I love my babies and their wonderful hearts.
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Hi Everyone, We are status quo at the “senior dog” household. Bailey seems to be managing on his regime of aspirin, muscle relaxers and pain killers (very low doses). His biggest issue still remains to be his eyesight. Poor guy bumps into everything, but my golly when I come home he comes running in whining for me wagging his tail and turning in circles…there is nothing like being greeted by a happy dog when you get home. His nails are healing on his pack paw. We now have a myriad of rugs, indoors and outdoors. The outdoor rugs quickly eased the problem; no bleeding since we put the rugs down.
As for Prancer she is also doing OK. She has gained a little over 2 pounds, but does not like her IV fluids. We had someone coming to the house to do it after my miserable failure, but now Prancer is putting up a struggle with her. We did blood work again and although her numbers did go down and her phosphorus was better she still was borderline. The vet said since she is exhibiting no outward symptoms of kidney failure we could stop the blood work and wait and see, but he recommended continued IV fluid at his office if she tolerates it and I agreed…didn’t want to take a chance of taking a step backwards. We try his office tomorrow and see how she does and then will decide from there.
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This weekend Bailey had what appeared to be some belabored breathing. I could not seem to get him to calm down. He was just panting and breathing hard for about 20-30 minutes. He finally relaxed but I noticed that anytime he got excited or went outside the same would happen but for a shorter period of time. Expecting some potential heart issues I took him to the vet this am. Fortunately the vet was able to see Bailey’s belabored breathing and decided to run a chest x-ray anticipating the cancer had metastasized into his lungs…20 minutes later the report came in. No cancer showing up on the x-ray, a little bronchitis but nothing abnormal for a dog his age and some thinning of his trachea, again nothing abnormal for his age. Let’s just call him Super Dog. He said he definitely has arthritis all down his spine and eventually that may make life difficult, but for now he said he looks like a 9 year old. Happiness lasted for a few hours for me to come home to find blood all over his pillow and various spots around the house. The toes on his back foot were bleeding as they are all the way down to the nip. Vet saw them this morning and said I need to try to keep him off the pavers or any concrete. Our front and back yard both have pavers. So I ran back out and bought a bunch of indoor outdoor rugs for the pavers. Now the outside of my house looks like the inside – a carpet emporium. Toes crossed this works and it gives his nails time to grown.
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Called the Vet this AM. He was not worried about the nails being so short, he said he preferred it that way. I trimmed up his front nails every so slightly as they were a little longer than I have been keeping them since his amputation – he just dislikes his nails being trimmed I try to do it only at strategic times where I think he isn’t paying attention to me.
Right now Bailey is again having some issues in that he is dragging his back leg versus using it. He seems to forget he only has one back there and forgets to center the leg so keeps falling down. My heart breaks for him at times. As the day progresses he seems to improve so I am hoping this will improve again. Problems always seem to happen around the weekend (although I have been fortunate to get my Vet’s cel phone number for emergencies – I only used once when Bailey broke his leg) . I think I am one of the few people who can’t wait for Monday to roll around again.
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Bailey is doing really well on the meds. They have not made him sluggish or too groggy. He may sleep a little bit more, but not that much. He is eating fine and is enjoying all those treats everyone asks me to keep giving him. 🙂 Question out there for anyone – I have recently noticed his nails on his remaining back leg are really short, almost to the nip, if not already there. His front nails are still normal. This is the first time I have noticed this and am wondering if this could be causing some of his inability to hold himself up at times because he can’t use his nails to grab on to the carpet or they are hurting him – hopefully it is just normal because I have no idea how you would get them to grow.
Prancer on the other hand seems to be having some belly discomfort, which I know is from the toxins in her body, yet she just does not complain – I just hear her belly noises. She is still eating but sleeping a little more.
The ER vet said I had my own hospital at my house, I just think of it as our “Family Home”. We do what we need to for every member of the family…and they are definitely members of the family.
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